Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nuetzel!

- Saturday, February 24 @ 6:30pm
- Ceremony at Andy's church (CCML)
- Reception at my church (SPC) which is Andy's old church
- "Officiating" will be Matt Tebbe and Paul Gearhart
- Matron of Honor is my best friend Johnna Clemens
- Best Man is Andy's good friend and roommate Ben Ruyack
- An all family wedding party including my two sisters, my sister-in-love & Andy's sister-in-law and then Andy's two brothers, my brother and my brother-in-love! :)
- Ushers are all awesome guys that minus one have known Andy since elementary school: Nick Epple, Dan Dark, Adam Pederson, Joel Stafford, Jordan Heid & Derek Diedrichs.
- All the bridesmaids will be wearing black dresses and red roses will be our flowers.
- My cousin, Angela Malone, will be blessing us with her vocal talents.
This is just a top ten list of some of the decisions we've made and even though we've got a lot more to make we are having lots of fun just thinking about being married to each other and having each other as our family. We're going to start our pre-marital counseling tomorrow with an amazing couple, Paul and Becky Gearhart, and we're both really looking forward to getting ourselves prepared for a happy and healthy marriage and not just a wedding day. Please keep us in your prayers that we'll continue to learn more about each other, how to love each other and how to prepare to live together and in doing so grow to love each other deeper.
Yeaaaaa.... we's gonna git hitched...
This pictures is ADORBALE!!! Love it, love it, love it!
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