Children and Parents

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother' - which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Ephesians 6:1-3
Andy and Nancy Pitsch, Brad and Patti Starr, Jerry and Robin Nickel...with parents like this how can you NOT honor them. It is common knowledge no child obeys their parents all the time. Ethan, myself, Jennifer, Whitney, Daryl, Christi, Kyle and Darci have all found themselves in an act of disobedience while growing up but despite perhaps the junior high years I believe we all can confidently say we love and honor our parents. These three parental units pictured above are great and make it easy to honor them as their children. Our families became blessed the day our praents met and became friends and remain blessed the longer they keep their friendships intact. I honor my parents immensely not only because they are very respectable people but because they honor me so much it makes it easy to honor them. Working with youth sports for the past 3 years has really shown me that there are a lot of parents out there who in my mind don't deserve to be obeyed and/or honored but I can say I was blessed in a family where obeying and honoring my parents came easy because of the love and respect they gave me. Labor Day weekend, with my family visiting, reminded me once again how blessed I am to not only have an awesome brother and two loving sisters but also very honorable parents. Icing on the cake is that I've got parental units I honor less than an hour away that love me like their own daughter and I respect like my own parents and have extended an open invitation for future visits. Hope they were serious because I'm probably going to take them up on that offer!
...Working with youth sports for the past 3 years has really shown me that there are a lot of parents out there who in my mind don't deserve to be obeyed and/or honored...
lets hope that those parents don't read your blog...
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