Time-Out with Tori

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bible Study Fellowship

The women of Southside Indianapolis were blessed this morning as BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) met for the first time this year in our study of Romans. God really used BSF last year in the study of Genesis to teach me so much more than I have learned in any other Bible study to date. BSF incorporates personal study time, small group discussion, the leader's teaching time and BSF notes (like commentary notes) to thoroughly study the Bible. I am very excited to once again be able to take part in this group and have joyful anticipation of what truths will be revealed to me during the course of the year through the study of Romans. The outline for the year explained to us today will entail the following:
2 weeks studying the intro of Paul's letter
3 weeks studying our sin
5 weeks studying salvation
6 weeks studying santification
7 weeks studying the sovereignty of God
7 weeks studying application of serving and living as a Christian
2 weeks studying the closing of Paul's letter
BSF is an international organization and meets all over the world so wherever you are there might be one meeting very near to you. Please visit their website (www.bsfinternational.org) if you're interested in joining, they have both male and female groups and also provide an awesome ministry to the children with their own lessons to go along with what their parents are learning. Not sure how much more I can say without becoming an official BSF cheerleader so I'm done! Hopefully whether you're in BSF or not you're able to study the Bible and enjoy learning more about the God that created us, loves us and lavishes abundant grace upon us every day!


Blogger Ethan Pitsch said...

Hey Tor! I'm taking the Romans BSF for men on Monday nights! We'll have to compare notes!

6:27 PM  

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