Mr. & Mrs. Pitsch for 30 years
Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad! :)

October 9, 1976 was a great day for Andrew J. Pitsch and Nancy J. Johnson as they were married in Sycamore Illinois at the young age of 20 and 19, respectively. Who knew what the future held for those two young lovebirds? They have made warm and loving homes in Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois and had a few kids along the way...Ethan in 1979, Victoria in 1980, Jennifer in 1984 and Whitney in 1989. Their marriage survived and perhaps even grew stronger in 1989 when mom was pregnant with Whitney and dad spent that whole school year commuting 7 hours from Indiana to Illinois working his new job while mom raised their 3 kids and was pregnant with the 4th. This is only one example of the many sacrifices they have made for their kids throughout their marriage - mom stayed in Indiana so the kids wouldn't have to switch schools mid-year - thanks mom and dad! Their marriage has remained strong and faithful and although they put their kids way up on top of their priority list their marriage comes first. They have been faithful in daily evening walks for years so they could have time together to unwind and talk about their days without the kids around, and also stay healthy and active! Although dad hates coffee he has made my mom's coffee for her every morning since at least 1993 and brought it up to her bedside so she can wake up to the smell of it. Their marriage has set an unprecedented standard for us kids on what a healthy relationship and marriage consists of: unconditional love, sacrifice, forgiveness, understanding, grace and compromise. Because of their great example we all have been confident in the high standards we have for our relationships (as we should they say)! Thanks mom and dad for loving each other as you do - your marriage is not only a blessing from God to each of you but also to your 4 kids who got to grow up in a healthy and happy home full of love. Enjoy your anniversary! :)
"Their marriage has set an unprecedented standard for us kids on what a healthy relationship and marriage consists of: unconditional love, sacrifice, forgiveness, understanding, grace and compromise. Because of their great example we all have been confident in the high standards we have for our relationships..."
I am thankful for the example, it's just that they set the bar SO high...
Congrats Andy(#1) and Nancy
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